We are independent educational consultants who can help you in The College Preparatory admissions.

Considered as one of the best private high schools in California, The College Preparatory School has been recognized for its academic excellence since 2007. Its integrated curriculum is a blend of high academic standards, integrated work-play balance, and a fostering of interdependence and stewardship. How hard is it to get into The College Preparatory School? Admissions can be very competitive and the process can be rigorous. Let Cardinal Education help you with The College Preparatory School admissions process to lessen your stress. Our private school admissions consultants will work with you on ISEE practice tests, SSAT practice tests, online writing assessments, proctored writing samples, student and parent statements, and interview preparation.


    We make the admissions process an informed and stress-free experience. Call us today!

    (888) 521-5243