We are trusted independent admissions consultants for the Head-Royce School.

Head-Royce School is a top-rated K-12 independent school in Oakland, CA. With its small class sizes, children undergo a challenging educational program to inspire and motivate them to become lifelong learners. The curriculum is developmentally appropriate to ensure that students master the skills they need. The upper school has a very strong liberal arts program that engages students in challenging activities that foster critical thinking and decision-making.

How hard is it to get into Head-Royce School? Admission can be quite challenging and competitive as many families aspire to gain entry. As unaffiliated independent educational consultants, we are able to offer unbiased advice to be successful in the Head-Royce School admissions process. Our private school admissions consultants understand what it takes to stand out more than anybody else.


    Let us help you navigate the Head-Royce School admissions process!

    (888) 521-5243